Sunday, July 24, 2011

Surrounded By Lies - Don't be Decieved

Beloved of the LORD - I was reminded while in prayer as I've shared on FaceBook: "And we know that in all things GOD works for the good of those who love HIM, who have been called according to HIS purpose," (Romans 8:28)...From there I began to praise GOD and while praising GOD, I began to rebuke lies, lying spirits, lying tongues, spirits of delusion, intimidation, suicide, obsession, addictions and grandeur. 

Look at what the text says in II Thessalonians 2:1-2, 9-12, 16-17;  "Brothers and sisters, we have this request to make of you about our LORD JESUS CHRIST's coming and our gathering to meet HIM.  (2)  Don't get upset right away or alarmed when someone claims that we said through some spirit, conversation, or letter that the day of the LORD has already come.  (9)  The man of sin will come with the power of Satan. He will use every kind of power, including miraculous and wonderful signs. But they will be lies.  (10)  He will use everything that GOD disapproves of to deceive those who are dying, those who refused to love the truth that would save them.  (11)  That's why GOD will send them a powerful delusion so that they will believe a lie.  (12)  Then everyone who did not believe the truth, but was delighted with what GOD disapproves of, will be condemned.  (16)  GOD our Father loved us and by his kindness gave us everlasting encouragement and good hope. Together with our LORD JESUS CHRIST,  (17)  may HE  encourage and strengthen you to do and say everything that is good."

How is it that man, in utter defiance, even in the face of what is obviously the outpouring of GOD’s wrath against man’s sin, still raises up his fist in GOD’s face and continues to follow after the beast and his system of government? The passage before us gives us insight into that question. Though there are issues beyond our comprehension here, it is centered around man’s delusion and deception, which occurs as a result of GOD’s judgment because of man’s failure to love the truth. Many get all bent out of shape over matters like GOD’s sovereignty, election, and predestination on one side, and on the other, the issues of man’s free will or responsibility to believe...Beloved, your arms are too short to box with GOD!!!

First, I want to remind you we are still according to the Hebraic Calendar in the month of Tammuz (read more about this in the previous blog entitled, "Standing in the Midst of it All". Second, I want to remind you that no matter how it looks in this season, no matter the opposition during this time period...GOD is working things out for us.  The enemy is surrounding us with lies and trying to make us think that GOD is not working things out; but if you believe the WORD of the LORD....let me encourage you again, "All things are working together for your good..." 

I don't care how the enemy says to you to give up, give in, surrender, throw in the symbolic towel...Children of GOD, hold on....let me say it again, "HOLD ON" because GOD is working behind the scenes, HE's on the stage, in the dressing room - HE's all over the situations that you and I both face and working things out for our GOOD!!!

Even if the enemy tells you he even doesn't like the fact that you yet have breath in your body, tell him I said - "Go to HELL, in the NAME of JESUS", and take his lies with him...Don't be Deceived Beloved...

II Thessalonians 2:11: "That's why GOD will send them a powerful delusion so that they will believe a lie."

I don't know how GOD's going to fix it; nor do I know when, but I do know (as HE's done for us so many times) - GOD's going to fix it for you!!! HE's making a way...HE's preparing us...HE's recalibrating us, retooling do you know this Apostle Chambers? Because today, you're able to take things that two years ago (two months ago) you wouldn't be able to stand...You've been mistreated, and you finally learned how to pray for those that misuse you, hurt you, have it out for you....

So, let them continue to lie; GOD has so fixed it, that they even believe their own lies....Oh, but when GOD begins to unravel, uncover, dismantle, the lie and the GOD, my GOD!!! You continue to stand, you continue to do that which is right, continue to submit the situations to HIM in prayer...and don't turn your nose up at the enemy (HE just said)...don't get beside yourself...but I decree and declare that help from ZION has been dispatched. 

BREAKING NEWS: The LORD says to tell you, "Angels have been released...MY Hands are Upon You and this Situation..."

I pray blessings upon your life and this ancient holy apostolic ministry. Now through the intercession of the blessed apostles Peter and Paul, may the peace of GOD, which is beyond all understanding, keep your heart and mind in the knowledge and love of GOD and of HIS SON, our LORD. In the name of the FATHER, and of the SON and the HOLY GHOST. Amen…

In Nomine DOMINI

Monday, July 4, 2011

Standing in the Midst of it ALL

I haven't blogged in quite awhile. Today is a day of celebration being the 4th of July, but also the day I will always remember my Uncle Freeman (one of GOD's greatest gifts to the body of CHRIST).  While as a minister of the gospel of CHRIST I should rejoice as the Bible declares, " be absent from the body is to be present with the LORD", while yet I do rejoice, but also I ponder the question why from time to time???

The last month or so has been a whirlwind of sorts and even on tonight, body aching with pain, not able to sleep, hurt by people that I didn't think I'd ever get hurt by and again I ponder the question why??? Why me??? Then I heard a small voice saying, "why not you?"

As is my custom of late, I had to look for what season/month we're according to the Hebraic calendar; the 4th of July to us is the 2nd day of Tammuz (the 10th month of the Jewish/Hebraic calendar). It was following this information I came across the following passage:

 Ezekiel 8:14,  "HE brought me to the entrance of the north gate of the LORD'S temple. Women were sitting there and crying for the god Tammuz."

In this case, consideration of the use of the name in Ezekiel would make it appropriate to say that the name "Tammuz" brought down the Jewish People. The verse in Ezekiel 8:14 cited above speaks of the worship of a Babylonian idol, known as "Tammuz." And it seems most odd, at first glance, that this name would be chosen as the name of a Hebrew month. 

However, in the context of the month that we are dealing with, a month of tragedies which would lead to still greater tragedies, the appropriateness of the name becomes clear. The Prophet Ezekiel was being shown by GOD the reasons for HIS great Anger against the Jewish People, namely, the various forms of idol-worship which had been adopted by them to replace the Divine Service. This behavior would result, if the Jewish People would not repent, in the Destruction of the Once-Holy, but now desecrated, Temple.

Earlier Biblical Significance

We read in the Book of Joshua (10:11-14) of the Battle of  Joshua and the People of Israel against the five kings of the Emorite Nation. In the Biblical account, we find mention of "great stones" thrown, as it were, by GOD, upon the Emorites. This could refer to hail, as the verse itself mentions (Joshua 10:11). But in light of the great astronomical miracle detailed in the following verses (12-14), in which the sun and the moon are pictured as having not advanced, until the People of Israel had achieved complete victory, there is here the suggestion of a tremendous suspension of the paths in Heaven, perhaps caused by a contact of the Solar System with an intense meteor, or asteroid, shower.

Joshua 10:14, "Never before or after this day was there anything like it. The LORD did what a man told HIM to do, because the LORD fought for Israel."

As my assignment given to me by the LORD in 2010 was to build a spaceship of sorts....that GOD was taking us beyond our fathers or even beyond what our hearts and mind can conceive; a secret to success is found here in Joshua 10 - the LORD will grant our request; hearken unto our voice because HE fights for us...(if we just stay still)...

Just like the Prophet Ezekiel (in Ezekiel 8), I was at home, minding my own self business, trying to watch particular television shows that were clogging our DVR and there HIS power came upon me...and HE began to show me great, mighty and terrible things.  HE showed me not only those in leadership, but also those whom leadership depends upon to make the work of the ministry effective.  Too often we scold leadership for improprieties and fail to look at those who should be interceding for us.  

I am in one of the biggest challenges of my life and it would be rather easy (in a sense) to fall down, come down, give in, give up; I now wonder who is really praying for me? Who is standing in the gap for me, while I attempt to stand for those who look towards my leadership for examples, for my wisdom, for an answer to life's challenges.  

Like Ezekiel, I was shown where even today Christian men and women are doing things and believe that GOD doesn't see what it is they're doing behind closed doors; and said even now, there's more disgusting things that will be shown unto me....what perplexed me the more was how the women in v14 of chapter 8 were at the church crying about the absence of Tammuz.  

Here, GOD supernaturally reveals to the prophet some of the secret sins of the nation of Israel. One of these sins is lamenting for a pagan god named Tammuz. Who was Tammuz and why would women be weeping for him? The New Encyclopedia Britannica writes in the article "Tammuz": ". . . in Mesopotamian religion, god of fertility embodying the powers for new life in nature in the spring" (Vol. 11, p. 532).

The cult of Tammuz centred around two yearly festivals, one celebrating his marriage to the goddess Inanna, the other lamenting his death at the hands of demons from the netherworld. During the 3rd dynasty of Ur (c. 2112—c. 2004 BC) in the city of Umma (modern Tell Jokha), the marriage of the god was dramatically celebrated in February—March, Umma's Month of the Festival of Tammuz. . . . The celebrations in March—April that marked the death of the god also seem to have been dramatically performed. Many of the laments for the occasion have as a setting a procession out into the desert to the fold of the slain god. (ibid. Emphasis ours.)
Also, for those of you who can think outside the box and not get too caught up - this is also according to astrology (or the zodiac), the time for "Cancer". Why is this significant, because I mentioned in the beginning of my discourse about my hurts....

The "sign" of the month is "Sartan," "Cancer," or "The Crab," because a constellation which is observed at this time of year has the appearance of a crab. Also, the season is summer, and the hot weather of summer causes crabs to multiply in the water. Crabs pinch and hurt, and this month was basically a time in which the Jewish People were hurt...

I'm saying to you my sisters and brothers - there are at least 27 more days to go during this hurting season before we progress to the month of Av (which isn't any consolation, as Av represents a low place); but might I encourage you to Stand in the Midst of it All...  Your children may be getting on your last nerves; you have no direction concerning your court case; your spouse may have given up on you and your marriage; your mother may turn her back on you; your siblings may not understand you; your friends may walk away from you - but stand...

Stand for your children, your marriage, your church ministry, your Spiritual Leader; don't look at outward circumstances or listen to prophet's of doom and gloom.  Don't buy into that which is trendy, worldly, popular, convenient, easy, quick, thrifty, or advantageous...when it comes to standing for your spouse and your marriage, don't settle for a cheap imitation of GOD's real thing or try to lower HIS standards, twist HIS will; rewrite HIS WORD or violate HIS covenant...

Say this affirmation with me: "I am a STANDER, and I will not acquiesce, compromise, quarrel or quit.. I have made
the choice, set my face, entered the race, believed the WORD, and trusted GOD for all the outcome."

Ephesians 6:10-20  "Finally, receive your power from the LORD and from HIS mighty strength.  (11)  Put on all the armor that GOD supplies. In this way you can take a stand against the devil's strategies.  (12)  This is not a wrestling match against a human opponent. We are wrestling with rulers, authorities, the powers who govern this world of darkness, and spiritual forces that control evil in the heavenly world.  (13)  For this reason, take up all the armor that GOD supplies. Then you will be able to take a stand during these evil days. Once you have overcome all obstacles, you will be able to stand your ground.  (14)  So then, take your stand! Fasten truth around your waist like a belt. Put on GOD's approval as your breastplate.  (15)  Put on your shoes so that you are ready to spread the Good News that gives peace.  (16)  In addition to all these, take the Christian faith as your shield. With it you can put out all the flaming arrows of the evil one.  (17)  Also take salvation as your helmet and the word of GOD as the sword that the Spirit supplies.  (18)  Pray in the Spirit in every situation. Use every kind of prayer and request there is. For the same reason be alert. Use every kind of effort and make every kind of request for all of God's people.  (19)  Also pray that GOD will give me the right words to say. Then I will speak boldly when I reveal the mystery of the Good News.  (20)  Because I have already been doing this as CHRIST's representative, I am in prison. So pray that I speak about this Good News as boldly as I have to."

Be Blessed...and Stand (in the midst of it all)!!!

I pray blessings upon your life and this ancient holy apostolic ministry. Now through the intercession of the blessed apostles Peter and Paul, may the peace of GOD, which is beyond all understanding, keep your heart and mind in the knowledge and love of GOD and of HIS SON, our LORD. In the name of the FATHER, and of the SON and the HOLY GHOST. Amen…

In Nomine DOMINI

Sunday, April 17, 2011

An Appointed Time...for Miracles

Ecclesiastes 3:1, "There is an appointed time for everything. And there is a time for every event under heaven."(NASB)

Looking and loading pictures in my "Throwback Album" on FaceBook had me to ponder the way of the world in this present day; included therein was a picture of my baby brother and sister, which she couldn't have been more than 3 years old, but yet around her wrist was a wrist watch (if memory serves me right, it was an Authentic Mickey Mouse Watch by Disney). After wondering to myself if she still maintained possession of the watch, my mind reflected on today's up and coming youth, to the extent of today's youth (and even some of us - the youth of yesterday), not being able to tell the time via an analog watch/clock.  Everything around and about us has been digitized - just take a quick moment and look around you (right now), on the lower right hand of your screen (if you're reading this blog on a pc), there's the date and the time digitally so; look up at your cable/satellite television receiver (DVR) or your DVD (or VCR), the microwave oven, your cell phones - unless you're various devices allows an digital image of an analog clock setting, EVERYTHING is DIGITAL.

I'm not writing as a advocate for all things analog.  I appreciate this digital age we now reside - I am however concerned that by time I have grandchildren (no time soon I hope) that I won't be able to hand down the pocket watch, my dad gave'll be this thing that needs polishing and when you open it up, there will just be this thing with two hands a few numbers; there will be no buttons to push, nothing to connect it to an I-Pad or an I-Phone...I can imagine them saying, "Thank Gramps" and later going home with their parents asking, "Dad/Mom, what is this thing my granddaddy gave me?"   

More so, as an Apostle of the LORD JESUS CHRIST  I have a dual responsibility, one to inform you as to what time it is...and to remind you of times past. For the last few years, I have been watching the Hebraic Calendar, it was not until recent that I have been more vocal in regards to the information that it provides me.  In my last two blogs, "Moving Beyond the Hurt...Towards Great Expectations" and "My Configuration is Changing" I provide a little insight into where we are and the direction we're headed; might I submit unto you the WORD of the LORD, "he that has ears, let him hear...we played (joyful) music for you, but you didn't dance, so we then played sad songs, but you didn't cry..." (my paraphrase of Matthew 11: 15, 17). In other words, I don't know what you will do with the prophetic insight available to you via these blogs, whether you will dance, cry or do nothing - it's all up to you. While you consider what to do or even if you should listen to me at all, I yet must CRY OUT until salvation and deliverance comes to your house (and to mine).  I have revealed to you in my first blog what the LORD said to me at the beginning of this year, when HE told me to prepare the Church/Kingdom to advance into new levels and areas that are outside this world - to build a "Space Ship" of sorts...Before you laugh at me (again), might I remind you to remember Noah, Founder & Senior Pastor of "The Ark."

Didn't It Rain Children? 
Rained 40 Days/Rained 40 Nights Without Stopping
Noah was Glad when the Rain Stopped Dropping
Knock at the Window/Knock at the Door
Crying, "Noah, can't you take on a few More?"
Noah cried, "No, you're full of Sin, GOD has the Key, you Can't Get In..."

Don't get caught left outside the space shuttle - because once we take off, that's it...

The Church is preparing to celebrate, "Holy Week" or the "Week of Passions" while another group our Jewish brothers/sisters is preparing to celebrate, "Passover" or "Pesach".  "Holy Week" begins with Sunday of the Passion of our LORD better known as "Palm Sunday." Here, we commemorate the entrance of the MESSIAH into Jerusalem, being celebrated by those who heard and some who witnessed the many accounts of miracles that were wrought at HIS HANDS.  Those who witness Lazarus being raised miraculously from the grave, others who were present on either occasion of the feeding miracles, perhaps some who looked on as HE walked on the water and allowed Peter to do likewise. Today was the day HE was celebrated by the masses as the people shouted HIS praise to the tune of "Hosanna! Blessed is HE who comes in the NAME of the LORD!" What interests me here is "Hosanna" has two simultaneous meanings: it is a cry for salvation, while at the same time it is a declaration of praise and adoration.  So it appears that the people were crying out for help ("FATHER, forgive them...") while yet agreeing the LORD is worthy of Praise!

"Passover" or the "Pesach" commemorates the Exodus account where Israel were made free from the bondage of slavery Egypt. Passover begins on the 15th day of the Hebraic month of Nisan (through the 22nd) and is celebrated for eight days.  In the Exodus account scripturally we're shown how the LORD delivers the Children of Israel from Egypt by inflicting 10 plaques (מכות מצרים, Makot Mitzrayim) upon the Egyptians before Pharaoh agrees to release Israel from bondage, the tenth and worst of the plagues being the slaughter of the first-born. The Israelites were to mark their doorposts with the blood of a lamb and by reason of seeing this sign, the spirit of the LORD would "PASS OVER" that home.  When Pharaoh finally agrees to allow Israel to make their exit, it is said in Judaism that they left so fast - that even while bread was baking in the oven, they opened the oven, grabbed the bread (which didn't get an opportunity to rise) and ate it on the run. This is why during the Passover, no leavened bread is eaten.  Herein, roughly 600,000 adult males, plus many more women and children, left Egypt and embarked on a journey towards Mount Sinai as the LORD's chosen.  

Even today firstborn males over the age of 13 are obligated to fast on the beginning of Passover in recognition of the fact that during the "Plague of the Firstborn" (which occurred at midnight of Nissan 15), the LORD passed over the Jewish firstborn when HE killed all firstborn Egyptians.  If there is a firstborn male in the family under the age of 13, the obligation to fast rests with the father.  So for instance, I'm the firstborn male in my family - but if my younger brother had a son under the age of 13, my brother would have to fast on tomorrow along with me.

Thirty days prior to Passover those who are keepers of Passover will actually inspect their homes and clean out any and all traces of chametz (any food made of grain and water that have been allowed to ferment and rise). That's right eight days of NO Wonder-bread, Frosted Flakes, German Chocolate Cake, Oatmeal Raisin Cookies, Pizza, Pasta (no beer neither). Basically, any processed food that is NOT certified "Kosher for Passover" shouldn't be eaten or even left in your pantry during this season. Also, during the Passover, as much as you allow your children to eat in their bedroom and you and your spouse eat dinner in the family room in front of the television - no food may leave the kitchen; and after eating, your clothes must be brushed off and your hands must be washed thoroughly (but you do that already I'm sure).

With Passover beginning, let's talk about miracles: Passover is full of miracles. From the introduction of Moses all the way through the parting of the Red Sea. I'd like to even consider regarding the 10 plagues as being the workings of the miraculous.  A miracle is defined as an event attributed to divine intervention; a perceived interruption of the laws of nature, while not fully explainable by the laws of nature. So when Aaron strikes the Nile and the waters turn into blood - miracle. Frogs, and more frogs overrun the land of Egypt - miracle; and the list goes on to include the other plagues that befell Egypt.  There was nothing done that that Moses could have learned when he from time to time would sit with the Egyptian priests, thus these were all wrought by the HAND and the WILL of the LORD.  Even the Egyptian sorcerers concluded that GOD's HAND was upon these acts because they were unable to duplicate them nor counter them with something greater. 

I mentioned in the previous blog that Nisan is the first month of the Jewish calendar and marks the New Year.  What I failed to mention is that while it's the first ecclesiastical month, it is the seventh civil month (both creation and completion). I shared with you how Adar II (which is our "shana m'uberret" or "Pregnant Year"), now we're in the time of harvest.  in Adar II - I gave you insight into networking, collaborating with your neighbor (this was the seed you were to plant).  Harvest is here - what did you plant in Adar I and Adar II? Who did you collaborate with (agree with) in prayer? Where did you go out of our way to be a blessing to someone else in Adar II? This was vitally important to your success in this season - I shared with you that the LORD is going to cause us to move beyond the limitations of length, width and height or third dimensional properties and go into Tetraspace (the 4th Dimension).

Herein lies the harvest. I'm decreeing and declaring that the supernatural, the miraculous will spring forth as never before during this Passover. I don't know how the LORD will show HIMSELF in your situation during this time - I can tell you from HIS previous acts, HE does things in a BIG Way. But what I want you to pay careful attention here, nothing was done during Passover for one individual; everything was done on a corporate level on a scale that was inclusive (not exclusive). What HE's showing me (even as I type) is if you're trying to exclude people (a very natural thing no doubt, pending the circumstances), you're not ready to receive the Miracles of Nisan. HE's not parting Red Sea's just for you and yours, when deliverance comes this time it's for you and for that loved one (that hasn't been that loving here lately).  Don't think for one moment that all 600,000 Israelites and their wives and children got along with each other, I am however suggesting that if there was a "fallout". No one was left behind, no one was excluded from the blessing that came to deliver and bring salvation unto Israel CORPORATELY.  So, you don't have to call folks and give no phony apologies this week (just so you don't miss out), but when deliverance is nigh upon you - don't forget that the blessing didn't come JUST FOR YOU, and YOU ALONE. We are going to be blessed in this season to be a blessing... Likewise if you do what's right and call upon the NAME of the LORD, you won't have to call others who have been blessed to remind them you're in need of blessing, just cry out the more unto the LORD. Hosanna!, which says, "LORD I need YOUR HELP & YOU are WORTHY of my PRAISE!"

When we really think about it the only thing that will remove negativity from around us is selflessness. During this week, if you find yourself down in the dumps, take a quick look'll find someone worse off than you, when you do - if you have the power to do something, don't withhold the opportunity to do so...

Watch how GOD favor's you this week despite yourself...

I pray blessings upon your life and this ancient holy apostolic ministry. Now through the intercession of the blessed apostles Peter and Paul, may the peace of GOD, which is beyond all understanding, keep your heart and mind in the knowledge and love of GOD and of HIS SON, our LORD. In the name of the FATHER, and of the SON and the HOLY GHOST. Amen…

In Nomine DOMINI

Sunday, April 3, 2011

My Configuration is Changing

Daniel 9:19, "Oh LORD, hear! O LORD, forgive! O LORD listen and take action! For Thine own sake, O my GOD, do not delay, because Thy cry and Thy people are called by Thy name."

We are aggressively approaching Nisan with only one more day in Adar II (which is our "shana m'uberret" or "Pregnant Year"). Nisan is first month of the Jewish calendar, and the mitzvah of Rosh Chodesh was given on Nisan. Nisan also marks the New Year for counting the rule of kings and for the holiday cycle. In this season of Adar II we were to pull together and help strengthen one another in our walk with the LORD.  A very dear friend of mine said to me that they don't believe GOD is listening any more, and that things are not working (or at least unto satisfaction). I said this is a call to action, this is a call to fast.  

The LORD is saying to me, that there will be people in your surrounding that don't know how to call on the Name of the LORD, because of a lot of us have become weary in well doing (or not) and the little bit of strength you have left - you're going to have to fast and pray for somebody else; or rather call on a strong intercessor and ask them to pray while you fast in this season.  We have to be mindful of not only the words we speak (which is our law of good), but also our thoughts (our hearts) must be guarded wherein lies the deep things of GOD concerning us.  

As I lie in bed contemplating what's my next move? What direction am I headed? Then the LORD reminded me of the seasons and times - we are still in the wilderness period (Adar II), although this is our pregnant year, pregnancy also brings so many emotional things into our surroundings, we crave for things that we don't need. We have feelings about our personal appearance, feelings of does he/she love us? As I looked on the calendar and saw that Nisan was just a couple of days away, if I might encourage you as I was encouraged to just hold on, because resurrection day is coming.  A new beginning is on the horizon.  A new year that we've never seen is fast approaching.  

And just like Daniel in the lesson found in chapter 9, while I was yet praying and confessing my sin - the LORD our GOD sent HIS WORD!  People of GOD, what I'm trying to say, it is so refreshing to hear GOD speak to you especially when you don't feel worthy of HIM.  Even with today being the day that traditionally most churches celebrate the Eucharist, I felt no desire at all to commune not only with HIM, but with the people of faith. I had to now repent and tell GOD just how much the more I need HIM in my life, working in my affairs, turning things around, shifting my environment, and just plain ole' being GOD all by HIMSELF!!! 

Go ahead and tell HIM now, "God I need YOU to do what you DO!"

When I began this blog, I presented you an idea of how GOD is calling us from the places we are and finding new and innovative ways of how it is we're to approach the idea and subject of church.  Even on today, might I encourage someone to stop looking at things the same way, go and re-read the 23rd Psalms and ask GOD to take you through that simple, yet complex passage and show you a fresh revelation there.  We have to take off our eye wear, many of us have either corrective lens procedures or we wear glasses to help us to see better and clearer. The last time I spoke to an eye specialist, they told me and the wife I needed tri-focal's - I almost fainted in disbelief and at the reality that my body (because of decisions I've made in this flesh suit) is now going through some changes.  But as sure as I am blogging today I hear the LORD say to me as we prepare to build a space ship to take us to new levels, HE is saying for us to remove our glasses in the natural. In this season, we're going to need to be able to see things in the fourth dimension.  

There I go again, yes sir/yes ma'am - in the midst of television manufacturers coming up with the latest and best 3D Television Technology, if you limit yourselves there you'll miss so much more that is to be seen. This is why I don't get hung up on the latest cell phone technology, once you get a 3G network capable phone, they start talking about 4G, and so on and so forth.  GOD is preparing us to expect the Great - that HE is about to unleash onto HIS people; those HE said that knows how to endure and don't give up. The universe that we live in has three dimensions. Thereby according to this understanding, we are limited to length, width, and height, and we can only travel along these three perpendicular lines. I am suggesting as the LORD leads, that we are designing our lives to move beyond the limitations of the 3rd dimensional properties and see into Tetraspace (or the 4th Dimension). 

I need to inform you I have NOT studied physics nor am I an accomplished mathematician; defining the fourth dimension is relatively easy, however providing you with an intuitive understanding on this revelation can be difficult. A definition of the fourth dimension could be like this: The fourth dimension is all space that one can to by traveling in the same direction perpendicular to our existing three dimensional space. To fully get this as HE is downloading it to me you're going to have to just trust in the anointing of GOD (not in my anointing, but HIS). If you try to theorize this in your flesh I'm sure you'll be pointing your finger around in the air, trying to figure out how it's possible for a fourth dimension to exist.  I can't explain how it exists, just like I can't explain how or why the wind blows.  Although I can't see the wind, nor can I tell you the speed of wind or the direction that it comes, I can tell you I feel and sometimes see the effects thereof.  

To get this at its fullest, you and I are going to have to seek GOD and ask HIM to change our configuration.  Who goes out and buys a new car and replaces the  radio module with one that has a tape deck sufficient for 8 Track Tapes? If you hear me clearly, we need to submit to GOD for an upgrade (not a downgrade).  Our configuration the way we perceive things to be is going to have to change to be ready for us to receive that which GOD is ushering into our midsts.  Most of us have so many childhood stories of how was it that our mothers/grandmothers especially could see so much of what we did as children, we equate those experiences and suggest that "Momma must have eyes in the back of her head..." To see fourth dimensionally we're going to have to be like momma and maybe a little more - we're going to have to  have eyes not only in the back of our heads but on the sides of our heads and even eyes on top of our head too (spiritually so).  

Everything that makes us who we are today will have to be examined carefully to determine the extent to which the manner in which we must be reconfigured. For some of us, its going to change the manner in which we love, for others our capacity for forgiveness will be enlarged. Before I give over to the enemy as being victorious in my life, I have submitted myself back to the LORD is a special way that HE can work on me again. Make me whole, complete, healthy, prosperous, thankful, obedient, loving, caring, sharing...and give me the capacity to appreciate the exceeding, abundantly above all I can ask or think. 

There is indeed more to life than what we are accustomed to, I don't want to hear about it, I want to experience GOD in a new way.  Perhaps, you desire that as well - ask GOD to allow your configuration to change, submit your life to HIM in ways you never have before. I hope to see you on-board the space ship, the only requirement is you have to change your mindset
and enhance your vision to see beyond disability, hatred, confusion, deceit, malice and your attitudes towards people and even yourself. My configuration is changing, what about yours?

I pray blessings upon your life and this ancient holy apostolic ministry. Now through the intercession of the blessed apostles Peter and Paul, may the peace of GOD, which is beyond all understanding, keep your heart and mind in the knowledge and love of GOD and of HIS SON, our LORD. In the name of the FATHER, and of the SON and the HOLY GHOST. Amen…

In Persona CHRISTI

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Moving Beyond the Hurt...Towards Great Expectations

Today was one of the most difficult days I've had to endure in this year.  There were thoughts of moving on, giving up, even thoughts of spiritual suicide.  What could get such a person as myself to the point of giving up? Real simple, the power of words.  Words and thoughts are things and have the power to build up, tear down, bless and even curse. It matters not whether they are spoken, written down or even heard about second and third hand.  Much can be said of a person's character by the way they use their tongue. 

It has been said that, "Speech is the index of the mind." JESUS said that "out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh." (Matthew 12:34) According to Proverbs 18:21, "Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof." In James 3:6, the Bible says that the tongue is "a fire, a world of iniquity", and James 3:8 calls the tongue a "deadly poison."

After getting myself together from my aforementioned whirlwind and actually allowing the Holy Spirit to minister to me and restore my determination and zeal to go on in HIS Name, HE took me to I Corinthians 4:9-13 where the Apostle Paul was found saying, "For it seems to me that GOD has put us apostles on display at the end of the procession, like those condemned to die in the arena. We have been made a spectacle to the whole universe, to angels as well as to human beings. We are fools for CHRIST, but you are so wise in CHRIST! We are weak, but you are strong! You are honored, we are dishonored!  To this very hour we go hungry and thirsty, we are in rags, we are brutally treated, we are homeless. We work hard with our own hands. When we are cursed, we bless; when we are persecuted, we endure it; when we are slandered, we answer kindly. We have become the scum of the earth, the garbage of the world—right up to this moment." (NIV)

If I understand this text, it appears to me that Paul is saying that this apostolic grace isn't just something we do only when we surrounded by our "creature comforts".  No, the love of GOD drives and compels us to move on even if:
(a) we might hunger
(b) we might be poorly clothed
(c) we might be beaten
(d) we might be without a home
(e) we might have to do manual labor in addition to preaching and healing
(f) we might be reviled - people might speak bad of us
(g) we might be persecuted
(h) we might be defamed
(i) we might be viewed as the lowest of the low, as "dirt".

If people were worth the SON of GOD dying for, then they are surely worth a few short temporal seasons of pain for us to REACH with the message and the LOVE of GOD.
This is the true spirit of apostleship. It is to go out of the comfort zone as CHRIST's representative, and live as HE lived in a world which does not yet understand or appreciate what we are doing. "He who says HE abides in him ought himself also to walk just as HE walked." (I John 2:6)

Today was also the beginning of "Lent" those 40 days when we give up something that is precious or dear to us (or so we think); we are also according to the Jewish calendar in Adar II which is our "shana m'uberret" or "Pregnant Year". With pregnancy comes great expectation and the birthing out of something new. So for these 40 days I've decided to give up every unpleasant desire, thought and those around me that only perpetuate the status quo. I have a renewed focus and purpose.  Then the Sonographer came by and showed me an image of the baby that is on its way; the enemy thought to knock me off my square and have me miscarriage - but I saw the report.  I yet believe the Word of the LORD.

"Even now, says the LORD, return to me with your whole heart, with fasting, and weeping, and mourning; Rend your hearts, not your garments, and return to the LORD, your GOD.
For gracious and merciful is HE, slow to anger, rich in kindness, and relenting in punishment. Perhaps HE will again relent and leave behind him a blessing, Offerings and libations for the LORD, your GOD." (Joel 2:12-14)

I pray blessings upon your life and this ancient holy apostolic ministry. Now through the intercession of the blessed apostles Peter and Paul, may the peace of GOD, which is beyond all understanding, keep your heart and mind in the knowledge and love of GOD and of HIS SON, our LORD. In the name of the FATHER, and of the SON and the HOLY GHOST. Amen…

In Persona CHRISTI

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

What Is This Blog Site/Page About?

So a dear friend of mine (more like a brother) started a  blog about two weeks ago (Jay's Weight Battle....Victory!!!) which prompted me to share my thoughts with those who would be interested in doing so.  So I entitled this blog site/page "Moving in the Apostolic", nothing deep about the name except for the fact that there's a great book written by Apostle John Eckhardt, the Establisher and Primate of the (Impact Network).  I've had this book on my shelf for about three years before ever reading the pages where I've found so many great truths and ultimately, I found myself therein. 

You'll also see at the top of the page (beneath the title) a picture of a spaceship (this is the actual picture of the spaceship from the ABC Television Series called, "V".  The "V" series chronicles the arrival on Earth of a technologically advanced alien species which ostensibly comes in peace, but actually has sinister motives. For me it's sharing with you to the best of my abilities (with my finite mind) what the LORD is doing with and through me as I take upon the apostolic mantle and grace.  In Genesis chapter 6, we're introduced to a man by the name of Noah.  Noah was instructed by the LORD to build an ark with rooms; he was further instructed to gather food and two of every living creature (one male/one female).  It was further shared with Noah by the LORD to bring on the ark seven of every clean beast (seven males/seven females); and of the bests that are unclean only two (one male/one female). 

In this dispensation, the LORD has called us into this apostolic ministry to prepare the church/kingdom to advance into new levels and areas that are outside of this world.  The only thing I could envision that would be able to take us beyond where our minds cannot conceive is a space ship.  So there, I said it, you may be laughing at me, that's no problem, I imagine that there were those who laughed at Noah's "It's Gonna Rain" sermons.  I'm decreeing and declaring that GOD is calling us to go beyond our fathers, and yet prior to hearing GOD say to me move beyond my fathers, I yet grieved in my spirit because I had been asking who is my father?  These questions came upon the demise of my grandfather, pastor and father in the faith, His Grace Archbishop Posey, Chief Apostle of the Metropolitan Spiritual Churches of CHRIST; since the time he became ill, I have staggered in ministry and have been silently bleeding, wrestling to know and discover the strong covenant that should exist between spiritual fathers and their sons.  Even sooner than his passing away there were many who have contributed to my biblical education and spiritual enrichment, very few of them have been empowered to impart the inheritance that GOD has promised.  Like Benjamin, who received his prophetic name from his father, I had been functioning without a true sense of spiritual identity (there was no one to match my spiritual DNA against). 

Benjamin before being named prophetically by his father was inappropriately named  by his mother. She named him “Benoni” or “son of my sorrow”, but his father calls him “Benjamin” or “son of my right hand” or “son of my strength”.  It was out of this prophetic utterance came the lineage of King Saul, but yet a tragedy that 95% of my entire life has been spent and misaligned with those who cannot speak towards my destiny.   Because of this misalignment, I have bled silently and wounded arrogantly attempting to be a son where I have not been planted nor sufficiently watered.  As one blade of grass gives seed to the perpetuation of its successor (a deposit that enables us to avoid being damaged and spiritually dysfunctional) it is with this analogy that I recognize and value fatherhood. Perhaps it is because of all of this I have shunned receiving others as sons and yet grateful that I have, else there would be others bleeding and wounded perpetually or “sons of sorrow” rather than “sons of my strength.” 
Further more, most of our fathers that have gone on, have left the vehicle that was used to get the church to where it was when they died, but took the manual and the keys with them, so the car (church) sits there stagnant, not moving and no one even has dared to call the dealership to have a new master key cut so that someone can move the church along its way.  This is so clear to me now, even as the church that I was called to serve as pastor was torn down (three weeks ago) that GOD is desiring us to not call to have new keys cut to move the church along, HE has called us to take the church where the church has never gone before; with the LORD's help we shall execute this apostolic/prophetic mandate to do just that.  

I salute Apostle Eckhardt for sharing his literary works with us, as he has other written material on apostolic ministry; more so for "Moving in the Apostolic" because we are experiencing a great outpouring of the Holy Spirit, perhaps the greatest the world has ever known! In the midst of it all, GOD is restoring the office of apostle to HIS Church to help us fulfill the Great Commission. What part in GOD’s plan will you play? How will you prepare for the coming harvest?  GOD is calling all of us (pastors, nurses, ushers, choir members) to actively participate in the apostolic ministry.  

The church age began with apostolic power, and it will continue with apostolic power. Today throughout the Church there is a cry coming before the LORD for restoration to New Testament function and pattern, that GOD might work through the body of CHRIST the way Scripture describes. But according to the clear witness of the Word of GOD, for such recovery to take place, both Prophetic and Apostolic ministry must first be restored to proper function, structure and priority in the church, or the cry of these many will never be answered.

Only Apostolic and Prophetic ministry will bring foundations while providing other ministries the opportunity to establish all that GOD wants for and from us.  We already have a measure of the prophetic among us, but it is lacking in its effectiveness and use in the church. If the only thing a prophet can mention to you is concerning houses, land, vehicles, a husband, a wife, etc., my point has been established.  My former pastor would term this type of  prophet as a "Runway Prophet", they are asked to give remarks and the next thing you know, they have about 8 people standing as you come into their vibration to only tell you to start packing your bags, you're going on a trip. Had that prophet been  under an apostolic mantle you probably would have seen that their house note isn't paid, and that (although they've prayed that GOD would bring them out and keep the house) GOD isn't making provision at that address any longer and further that GOD is saying, "yes daughter, yes son, pack quickly, I have a better house waiting for you!!!"

So you see Prophetic ministry needs the Apostolic in a unique way (but not less than pastoral, teaching or evangelistic), in order to supply what is lacking in complimentary function of anointing, boundaries for remaining appropriate, and parameters for staying pertinent. Apostolic and Prophetic ministry, functioning
rightly and in varying forms, will provide the foundation JESUS authorized. Since we are living in the days of restoration of the apostolic ministry, we need an understanding of this ministry in order to receive true apostles and reject false ones. Restoration necessitates knowledge in order to walk accurately and fully in what GOD is restoring. A divine revelelation of the apostolic ministry will bring an understanding of what it means to be sent. It helps us understand what we are to do, and what power and authority we have as sent ones. It helps us understand and receive the ministries that GOD is sending today.

But how would we know an Apostle since we aren't generally acquainted with Apostolic ministry? Here's how in just looking at the distinctions between an evangelist and an apostle:
1. Evangelists win souls, but Apostles make disciples.
2. Evangelists preach salvation, but Apostles preach the Gospel of peace and demonstrate the Kingdom of GOD.
3. Evangelists declare and display the grace of GOD to those who receive; Apostles demonstrate signs, wonders and miracles as a witness in order to reveal the hearts of those who do and don't believe.

On December 16, 2010 after much (and more) hesitation and avoidance I declared, professed and assumed this apostolic grace that’s been given to me by CHRIST. And have submitted myself to my apostolic father, His Grace Apostle Sylvester Paul Brinson, III., Apostle Primus of The Apostolic Company.  In answer to the needs of this dispensation, the Church must stand firm in its understanding of its roots within the Orthodox and Catholic Apostolic Tradition. It must remain totally united to, and centered upon and in the Holy and Divine Eucharist and the Divine, Holy and absolutely real presence of our LORD JESUS CHRIST within the Holy Eucharist, along with the ancient apostolic understandings and experienced spirituality as found within all seven of the Holy Mysteries/the Sacraments of the historic and apostolic Church of our LORD, SAVIOR and GOD JESUS CHRIST. 

The Church must reach out to teach its faithful how to pray, to participate and receive the Holy Ghost and become more intimately connected with CHRIST.  The Church must be committed and actively engaged in, teaching and proclaiming the message of the Gospel of our LORD. It must be about reaching out to those who are busy seeking the reason for their lives, why they are here and how they can find GOD once again in their lives. How to be both the thermometer and thermostat, to both set the atmosphere and calibrate the atmosphere when needed and/or led by the Holy Ghost.  We must further instruct others how they can come to experience GOD dwelling among us and in our midst. It must also remain totally committed to the ancient and apostolic understandings of the early Church, along with the decrees and the faith as taught within the framework of the five fold dictum: One Bible; Two Testaments, Three Creeds, Four Councils (Nicaea I; Nicaea II; Ephesus; and Chalcedon) and Five Centuries, of the undivided Church, whereby comes forth our polity, form of worship, teachings and doctrines.

So stay tuned to this blog site/page as GOD gives us grace to build the module that will facilitate us moving above and beyond to another dimension and levels in CHRIST JESUS by GOD's grace and as we "Move in the Apostolic"....In closing I pray blessings upon your life and this ancient holy apostolic ministry. Now through the intercession of the blessed apostles Peter and Paul, may the peace of GOD, which is beyond all understanding, keep your heart and mind in the knowledge and love of GOD and of HIS SON, our LORD. In the name of the FATHER, and of the SON and the HOLY GHOST. Amen…

In Persona CHRISTI