Sunday, April 3, 2011

My Configuration is Changing

Daniel 9:19, "Oh LORD, hear! O LORD, forgive! O LORD listen and take action! For Thine own sake, O my GOD, do not delay, because Thy cry and Thy people are called by Thy name."

We are aggressively approaching Nisan with only one more day in Adar II (which is our "shana m'uberret" or "Pregnant Year"). Nisan is first month of the Jewish calendar, and the mitzvah of Rosh Chodesh was given on Nisan. Nisan also marks the New Year for counting the rule of kings and for the holiday cycle. In this season of Adar II we were to pull together and help strengthen one another in our walk with the LORD.  A very dear friend of mine said to me that they don't believe GOD is listening any more, and that things are not working (or at least unto satisfaction). I said this is a call to action, this is a call to fast.  

The LORD is saying to me, that there will be people in your surrounding that don't know how to call on the Name of the LORD, because of a lot of us have become weary in well doing (or not) and the little bit of strength you have left - you're going to have to fast and pray for somebody else; or rather call on a strong intercessor and ask them to pray while you fast in this season.  We have to be mindful of not only the words we speak (which is our law of good), but also our thoughts (our hearts) must be guarded wherein lies the deep things of GOD concerning us.  

As I lie in bed contemplating what's my next move? What direction am I headed? Then the LORD reminded me of the seasons and times - we are still in the wilderness period (Adar II), although this is our pregnant year, pregnancy also brings so many emotional things into our surroundings, we crave for things that we don't need. We have feelings about our personal appearance, feelings of does he/she love us? As I looked on the calendar and saw that Nisan was just a couple of days away, if I might encourage you as I was encouraged to just hold on, because resurrection day is coming.  A new beginning is on the horizon.  A new year that we've never seen is fast approaching.  

And just like Daniel in the lesson found in chapter 9, while I was yet praying and confessing my sin - the LORD our GOD sent HIS WORD!  People of GOD, what I'm trying to say, it is so refreshing to hear GOD speak to you especially when you don't feel worthy of HIM.  Even with today being the day that traditionally most churches celebrate the Eucharist, I felt no desire at all to commune not only with HIM, but with the people of faith. I had to now repent and tell GOD just how much the more I need HIM in my life, working in my affairs, turning things around, shifting my environment, and just plain ole' being GOD all by HIMSELF!!! 

Go ahead and tell HIM now, "God I need YOU to do what you DO!"

When I began this blog, I presented you an idea of how GOD is calling us from the places we are and finding new and innovative ways of how it is we're to approach the idea and subject of church.  Even on today, might I encourage someone to stop looking at things the same way, go and re-read the 23rd Psalms and ask GOD to take you through that simple, yet complex passage and show you a fresh revelation there.  We have to take off our eye wear, many of us have either corrective lens procedures or we wear glasses to help us to see better and clearer. The last time I spoke to an eye specialist, they told me and the wife I needed tri-focal's - I almost fainted in disbelief and at the reality that my body (because of decisions I've made in this flesh suit) is now going through some changes.  But as sure as I am blogging today I hear the LORD say to me as we prepare to build a space ship to take us to new levels, HE is saying for us to remove our glasses in the natural. In this season, we're going to need to be able to see things in the fourth dimension.  

There I go again, yes sir/yes ma'am - in the midst of television manufacturers coming up with the latest and best 3D Television Technology, if you limit yourselves there you'll miss so much more that is to be seen. This is why I don't get hung up on the latest cell phone technology, once you get a 3G network capable phone, they start talking about 4G, and so on and so forth.  GOD is preparing us to expect the Great - that HE is about to unleash onto HIS people; those HE said that knows how to endure and don't give up. The universe that we live in has three dimensions. Thereby according to this understanding, we are limited to length, width, and height, and we can only travel along these three perpendicular lines. I am suggesting as the LORD leads, that we are designing our lives to move beyond the limitations of the 3rd dimensional properties and see into Tetraspace (or the 4th Dimension). 

I need to inform you I have NOT studied physics nor am I an accomplished mathematician; defining the fourth dimension is relatively easy, however providing you with an intuitive understanding on this revelation can be difficult. A definition of the fourth dimension could be like this: The fourth dimension is all space that one can to by traveling in the same direction perpendicular to our existing three dimensional space. To fully get this as HE is downloading it to me you're going to have to just trust in the anointing of GOD (not in my anointing, but HIS). If you try to theorize this in your flesh I'm sure you'll be pointing your finger around in the air, trying to figure out how it's possible for a fourth dimension to exist.  I can't explain how it exists, just like I can't explain how or why the wind blows.  Although I can't see the wind, nor can I tell you the speed of wind or the direction that it comes, I can tell you I feel and sometimes see the effects thereof.  

To get this at its fullest, you and I are going to have to seek GOD and ask HIM to change our configuration.  Who goes out and buys a new car and replaces the  radio module with one that has a tape deck sufficient for 8 Track Tapes? If you hear me clearly, we need to submit to GOD for an upgrade (not a downgrade).  Our configuration the way we perceive things to be is going to have to change to be ready for us to receive that which GOD is ushering into our midsts.  Most of us have so many childhood stories of how was it that our mothers/grandmothers especially could see so much of what we did as children, we equate those experiences and suggest that "Momma must have eyes in the back of her head..." To see fourth dimensionally we're going to have to be like momma and maybe a little more - we're going to have to  have eyes not only in the back of our heads but on the sides of our heads and even eyes on top of our head too (spiritually so).  

Everything that makes us who we are today will have to be examined carefully to determine the extent to which the manner in which we must be reconfigured. For some of us, its going to change the manner in which we love, for others our capacity for forgiveness will be enlarged. Before I give over to the enemy as being victorious in my life, I have submitted myself back to the LORD is a special way that HE can work on me again. Make me whole, complete, healthy, prosperous, thankful, obedient, loving, caring, sharing...and give me the capacity to appreciate the exceeding, abundantly above all I can ask or think. 

There is indeed more to life than what we are accustomed to, I don't want to hear about it, I want to experience GOD in a new way.  Perhaps, you desire that as well - ask GOD to allow your configuration to change, submit your life to HIM in ways you never have before. I hope to see you on-board the space ship, the only requirement is you have to change your mindset
and enhance your vision to see beyond disability, hatred, confusion, deceit, malice and your attitudes towards people and even yourself. My configuration is changing, what about yours?

I pray blessings upon your life and this ancient holy apostolic ministry. Now through the intercession of the blessed apostles Peter and Paul, may the peace of GOD, which is beyond all understanding, keep your heart and mind in the knowledge and love of GOD and of HIS SON, our LORD. In the name of the FATHER, and of the SON and the HOLY GHOST. Amen…

In Persona CHRISTI

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