Monday, July 4, 2011

Standing in the Midst of it ALL

I haven't blogged in quite awhile. Today is a day of celebration being the 4th of July, but also the day I will always remember my Uncle Freeman (one of GOD's greatest gifts to the body of CHRIST).  While as a minister of the gospel of CHRIST I should rejoice as the Bible declares, " be absent from the body is to be present with the LORD", while yet I do rejoice, but also I ponder the question why from time to time???

The last month or so has been a whirlwind of sorts and even on tonight, body aching with pain, not able to sleep, hurt by people that I didn't think I'd ever get hurt by and again I ponder the question why??? Why me??? Then I heard a small voice saying, "why not you?"

As is my custom of late, I had to look for what season/month we're according to the Hebraic calendar; the 4th of July to us is the 2nd day of Tammuz (the 10th month of the Jewish/Hebraic calendar). It was following this information I came across the following passage:

 Ezekiel 8:14,  "HE brought me to the entrance of the north gate of the LORD'S temple. Women were sitting there and crying for the god Tammuz."

In this case, consideration of the use of the name in Ezekiel would make it appropriate to say that the name "Tammuz" brought down the Jewish People. The verse in Ezekiel 8:14 cited above speaks of the worship of a Babylonian idol, known as "Tammuz." And it seems most odd, at first glance, that this name would be chosen as the name of a Hebrew month. 

However, in the context of the month that we are dealing with, a month of tragedies which would lead to still greater tragedies, the appropriateness of the name becomes clear. The Prophet Ezekiel was being shown by GOD the reasons for HIS great Anger against the Jewish People, namely, the various forms of idol-worship which had been adopted by them to replace the Divine Service. This behavior would result, if the Jewish People would not repent, in the Destruction of the Once-Holy, but now desecrated, Temple.

Earlier Biblical Significance

We read in the Book of Joshua (10:11-14) of the Battle of  Joshua and the People of Israel against the five kings of the Emorite Nation. In the Biblical account, we find mention of "great stones" thrown, as it were, by GOD, upon the Emorites. This could refer to hail, as the verse itself mentions (Joshua 10:11). But in light of the great astronomical miracle detailed in the following verses (12-14), in which the sun and the moon are pictured as having not advanced, until the People of Israel had achieved complete victory, there is here the suggestion of a tremendous suspension of the paths in Heaven, perhaps caused by a contact of the Solar System with an intense meteor, or asteroid, shower.

Joshua 10:14, "Never before or after this day was there anything like it. The LORD did what a man told HIM to do, because the LORD fought for Israel."

As my assignment given to me by the LORD in 2010 was to build a spaceship of sorts....that GOD was taking us beyond our fathers or even beyond what our hearts and mind can conceive; a secret to success is found here in Joshua 10 - the LORD will grant our request; hearken unto our voice because HE fights for us...(if we just stay still)...

Just like the Prophet Ezekiel (in Ezekiel 8), I was at home, minding my own self business, trying to watch particular television shows that were clogging our DVR and there HIS power came upon me...and HE began to show me great, mighty and terrible things.  HE showed me not only those in leadership, but also those whom leadership depends upon to make the work of the ministry effective.  Too often we scold leadership for improprieties and fail to look at those who should be interceding for us.  

I am in one of the biggest challenges of my life and it would be rather easy (in a sense) to fall down, come down, give in, give up; I now wonder who is really praying for me? Who is standing in the gap for me, while I attempt to stand for those who look towards my leadership for examples, for my wisdom, for an answer to life's challenges.  

Like Ezekiel, I was shown where even today Christian men and women are doing things and believe that GOD doesn't see what it is they're doing behind closed doors; and said even now, there's more disgusting things that will be shown unto me....what perplexed me the more was how the women in v14 of chapter 8 were at the church crying about the absence of Tammuz.  

Here, GOD supernaturally reveals to the prophet some of the secret sins of the nation of Israel. One of these sins is lamenting for a pagan god named Tammuz. Who was Tammuz and why would women be weeping for him? The New Encyclopedia Britannica writes in the article "Tammuz": ". . . in Mesopotamian religion, god of fertility embodying the powers for new life in nature in the spring" (Vol. 11, p. 532).

The cult of Tammuz centred around two yearly festivals, one celebrating his marriage to the goddess Inanna, the other lamenting his death at the hands of demons from the netherworld. During the 3rd dynasty of Ur (c. 2112—c. 2004 BC) in the city of Umma (modern Tell Jokha), the marriage of the god was dramatically celebrated in February—March, Umma's Month of the Festival of Tammuz. . . . The celebrations in March—April that marked the death of the god also seem to have been dramatically performed. Many of the laments for the occasion have as a setting a procession out into the desert to the fold of the slain god. (ibid. Emphasis ours.)
Also, for those of you who can think outside the box and not get too caught up - this is also according to astrology (or the zodiac), the time for "Cancer". Why is this significant, because I mentioned in the beginning of my discourse about my hurts....

The "sign" of the month is "Sartan," "Cancer," or "The Crab," because a constellation which is observed at this time of year has the appearance of a crab. Also, the season is summer, and the hot weather of summer causes crabs to multiply in the water. Crabs pinch and hurt, and this month was basically a time in which the Jewish People were hurt...

I'm saying to you my sisters and brothers - there are at least 27 more days to go during this hurting season before we progress to the month of Av (which isn't any consolation, as Av represents a low place); but might I encourage you to Stand in the Midst of it All...  Your children may be getting on your last nerves; you have no direction concerning your court case; your spouse may have given up on you and your marriage; your mother may turn her back on you; your siblings may not understand you; your friends may walk away from you - but stand...

Stand for your children, your marriage, your church ministry, your Spiritual Leader; don't look at outward circumstances or listen to prophet's of doom and gloom.  Don't buy into that which is trendy, worldly, popular, convenient, easy, quick, thrifty, or advantageous...when it comes to standing for your spouse and your marriage, don't settle for a cheap imitation of GOD's real thing or try to lower HIS standards, twist HIS will; rewrite HIS WORD or violate HIS covenant...

Say this affirmation with me: "I am a STANDER, and I will not acquiesce, compromise, quarrel or quit.. I have made
the choice, set my face, entered the race, believed the WORD, and trusted GOD for all the outcome."

Ephesians 6:10-20  "Finally, receive your power from the LORD and from HIS mighty strength.  (11)  Put on all the armor that GOD supplies. In this way you can take a stand against the devil's strategies.  (12)  This is not a wrestling match against a human opponent. We are wrestling with rulers, authorities, the powers who govern this world of darkness, and spiritual forces that control evil in the heavenly world.  (13)  For this reason, take up all the armor that GOD supplies. Then you will be able to take a stand during these evil days. Once you have overcome all obstacles, you will be able to stand your ground.  (14)  So then, take your stand! Fasten truth around your waist like a belt. Put on GOD's approval as your breastplate.  (15)  Put on your shoes so that you are ready to spread the Good News that gives peace.  (16)  In addition to all these, take the Christian faith as your shield. With it you can put out all the flaming arrows of the evil one.  (17)  Also take salvation as your helmet and the word of GOD as the sword that the Spirit supplies.  (18)  Pray in the Spirit in every situation. Use every kind of prayer and request there is. For the same reason be alert. Use every kind of effort and make every kind of request for all of God's people.  (19)  Also pray that GOD will give me the right words to say. Then I will speak boldly when I reveal the mystery of the Good News.  (20)  Because I have already been doing this as CHRIST's representative, I am in prison. So pray that I speak about this Good News as boldly as I have to."

Be Blessed...and Stand (in the midst of it all)!!!

I pray blessings upon your life and this ancient holy apostolic ministry. Now through the intercession of the blessed apostles Peter and Paul, may the peace of GOD, which is beyond all understanding, keep your heart and mind in the knowledge and love of GOD and of HIS SON, our LORD. In the name of the FATHER, and of the SON and the HOLY GHOST. Amen…

In Nomine DOMINI

1 comment:

  1. In the midst of it all! Thanking God for all blessings, knowing its under His control. My Lord! My Lord! Asking God to continuosly direct our path. Amen
