Sunday, March 9, 2014

The Time is Now

II Corinthians 6:1-2, says, "Companions as we are in this work with you, we beg you, please don't squander one bit of this marvelous life GOD has given us. GOD reminds us, I heard your call in the nick of time; the day you needed me, I was there to help. Well, now is the right time to listen, the day to be helped. Don't put it off; don't frustrate GOD's work by showing up late, throwing a question mark over everything we're doing..." (Message Bible Translation)

I was speaking with a friend on last night and the conversation took a turn towards the notion of losing an hour (as it relates to daylight savings); this brought back to reflection the words of my grandfather and pastor, the late Archbishop Arthur L. Posey who taught us that, 'nothing is ever lost in GOD,'; therein, I suggested that we have not lost an hour in spring nor gained an hour in the fall, the time is simply what it is right now. 

Has anyone ever taken time to even understand what it is (time, that is)? Now understand that time in our leading text from II Corinthians 6 is from the Greek word 'Kairos'. Kairos means, the right or opportune moment (the supreme moment). The ancient Greeks had two words for time, 'chronos' and 'kairos'. While the former (chronos) refers to chronological or time in sequential order, the latter (kairos) refers to a time lapse, a moment of indeterminate time in which everything happens. What is happening when referring to kairos depends upon who is using the word. While chronos is quantitative, kairos has a qualitative, permanent nature.

In the New Testament kairos means, "the appointed time in the purpose of GOD", the time when GOD acts (i.e., Mark 1:14-15, "After John was arrested, JESUS went to Galilee preaching the Message of GOD: "Time's up! GOD's kingdom is here. Change your life and believe the message.") Kairos (which is found at least 81 times in the New Testament) seems to be an indeterminate time, a "moment" or a "season". Whereas chronos (which is used 54 times in the New Testament) refers to a specific amount of time, such as a day or an hour. 

In a secular context, time is defined as the indefinite continued progress of existence and events in the past, present, and future regarded as a whole.

Now, the concept of Daylight Savings is the practice of us in this modern day advancing our clocks during the lighter months so that our evenings have more daylight and mornings have less. This didn't come about until 1895 and wasn't implemented until 916 (two years before my grandmother was born). This practice has been both praised and criticized.

I don't konw if in 1895 the conversation of adjusting our clocks included the understanding of Divine Providence (as indicated in the plain sense of the term) that GOD is continously active, every day and in every detail, and that supernatural (miraculous) Divine Providence is not limited to revealed miracles, but that also in the ordinary daily life there is miraculous intervention, except that the one to whom a miracle occurs does not recognize he's been blessed by the very HANDS of GOD.

It would be well to add some pertinent points, and to bring out a practical message of the whole thought. Supernatural (miraculous) direction can come in two forms: (a) Revealed miracles, such as the miracles which accompanied the liberation of Israel from Egypt, this is to say miracles which are entirely above and beyond the natural order, and at complete variance with nature: (b) Miracles on the order of the Miracle of Purim (I speak about that in another post entitled: "Where are We?", which was clothed in natural garments.

The miracles of the Exodus from Egypt, beginning with those that took place in Egypt, right up to and including the liberation of an entire people, "young and old, sons and daughters," after centuries of enslavement in a land from which even a single slave could not escape; an Exodus, moreover, with "upraised arm" (in broad daylight and honor) and "with great substance", these were events which everyone clearly saw as revealed miracles.

Different was the Miracle of Purim, for although also, in this case, there were miracles, to the extent of a complete "reversal" of circumstances, culminating in extraordinary triumph, as expressed in the words, "For the Jews there was light, joy, gladness and honor", nevertheless, the miracle of Purim was "clothed" in natural developments: Esther becomes queen; Mordechai gains a place "at the gate of the palace" and saves the king from an assassination plot; Esther intercedes with the king to annul the decree, etc., as all these events are related in the Megillah; although every event individually, and especially the congruence of all the events, "in those days at this season, "into a predesignated pattern, was obviously miraculous, as we acknowledge this many times in prayer on Purim, referring to the "miracles, deliverance, mighty deeds, salvation, wonders." 
Divine direction within the natural order, likewise, takes two forms: (a) Direction that "outwardly" is entirely natural; (b) direction in which Divine Providence is clearly in evidence. An example of the former, is the course of sowing and reaping: To plant, and later to harvest, is entirely natural, so much so that in order to discern Divine Providence also in this natural order, one must ponder deeply about the way in which this Providence, extending to every detail, causes the congruence of a variety of natural phenomena, such as winds, rains and sunshine, etc., each in the right time and the right measure, to produce the desired results.

The second, an easily discernible form of Divine Providence, is what people commonly call "success," "good luck" (Mazel), "windfall," and the like. These terms do not say what the thing is, but rather what it is not, namely, not personal achievement, i.e. not the result of special intelligence or hard work. However, the Torah (the books of Law) tells us the real truth, that such Mazel (mazel tov) is the gift of Divine Providence, the Divine blessing in the three general areas of human needs, namely, "children, life and sustenance," real and extraordinary Nachas (joy) from children, exceptional good health, and extraordinary Hatzlocho (success) in Parnoso.

This, then, is the point that was emphasized in previous blogs, to be learned from the distinction of the month of Nissan as "This month shall be unto you the first of the months." By ordaining the Jewish people to count all the months of the year from Nissan, the month whose significance is contained in the fact that "in it you came out of Egypt" through the intervention of revealed Divine miracles, the Bible teaches us that such is the essence of the Divine conduct of the universe throughout all the months of the year, whether it expresses itself in revealed miracles, or in miracles which are dressed in "natural" garments; or when Divine Providence is in evidence, or it is totally obscured by the natural order — in each all these forms it behooves the Jew (and us Gentiles) to know and remember that GOD is the Creator of the world and the sole and exclusive Master of the world, and that HE directs the whole world in all its details; certainly the "small world" (microcosm), i.e. man, everyone, and in all details of his and her daily life.

In light of the above, it is self-evident, that every detail of a person's life, however "small" it may be, is subject to Divine directive, and it must be carried out in accordance with that directive, i.e. the will of the One Whose Providence extends also to that particular detail. Nothing can override it, or change it, for the "counting" has its roots in the month of Nissan, whose essence is the revealed miracles of the Passover Story.

"Give up yourself unto the moment....The Time is Now"

I pray blessings upon your life and this ancient holy apostolic ministry. Now through the intercession of the blessed apostles Peter and Paul, may the peace of GOD, which is beyond all understanding, keep your heart and mind in the knowledge and love of GOD and of HIS SON, our LORD. In the name of the FATHER, and of the SON and the HOLY GHOST. Amen…

In Persona CHRISTI

Saturday, March 1, 2014

How to Stop Attracting Negative Conditions

Sadly the world is filled with lots of negativity.  Everywhere you look there are stories of sad and depressing conditions.  It can be very difficult to maintain a positive outlook in order to attract the better things that you desire. 

The law of attraction is quite unforgiving.  You may be a very nice person however several things within your environment may very well be killing your changes of successfully applying the law of attraction to your life.  Perhaps you are one of the many people who are bogged down by negativity.  As you may well already know you attract the things that you focus on, whether consciously or unconsciously.  How then do you best apply the law of attraction to your life and attract more positive conditions?

1) The media is a large supplier of horrible, painful negativity.  It’s a wonder that anyone can leave their homes.  You are constantly being bombarded by stories that could frighten anyone.  Then there are the doom and gloom health scares.  There is always a new medical condition that requires some form of medication and always you are being told that you absolute need it or else.  Are you really in danger of every illness or are they programming you for ill health so that they can force feed you their drugs?  You be the judge.  You may think that those stories do not affect you personally but the reality is that they do seep into your subconscious mind.  Whatever enters your subconscious mind begins to control your outer reality.  You can begin to monitor the amount of time you spend in front of the tube even best you can be extremely selective about the programming that you watch.  Perhaps start by eliminating the news.

2) People are a great source of negativity.  You can cancel our all of your hard efforts by spending time around people who complain a lot or whose force tends to be gloomy.  Imagine immersing yourself in a good thirty minute program to change your life by applying the law of attraction techniques only to spend the rest of your day listening to someone whose outlook is negative.  The moment you do you have just cancelled out your attraction and this keeps you in the never ending cycle of being stuck.

3) Indulging in the past is another common form of negativity that way too many people indulge in.  So many people judge their present as well as their future based on poor experiences in their past.  You cannot successfully apply the law of attraction techniques if your thoughts are focused on what did not work for you in the past.  You can let go of the past negativity if you really want to see success in attracting what you truly desire.
I pray blessings upon your life and this ancient holy apostolic ministry. Now through the intercession of the blessed apostles Peter and Paul, may the peace of GOD, which is beyond all understanding, keep your heart and mind in the knowledge and love of GOD and of HIS SON, our LORD. In the name of the FATHER, and of the SON and the HOLY GHOST. Amen…

In Persona CHRISTI

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

GOD's Eight Healing Delivery Vehicles

You can be healed and there are "Eight Healing Delivery Vehicles" GOD will use to do it for you. One of these ways requires no faith on the part of the one being healed. This is healing by the anointing.

The other seven requires one of more acts of faith on the part of the one being healed and/or the one ministering the healing. Of these two, faith is by far the most dependable.

Oral Roberts said that you can not always depend upon the anointing to heal you, but you can depend upon faith.

The anointing is wonderful when GOD works it but HE works it in a sovereign way. In other words, you have no control nor power over it.

GOD heals with it when HE chooses and does not heal with it when HE does not choose to heal this way. When the anointing is operating, faith may not be required at all on the part of the one being healed.

Faith, on the other hand, will always come through for you. Oral Roberts a respected man of GOD and of faith I believe had first hand knowledge of what he was talking about.

He has seen GOD miraculously heal with HIS anointing in his various camp meetings; and have also seen GOD miraculously heal in response to faith in those meetings.
As we said previously, of the eight ways GOD heals HIS children, only one of them doesn’t necessarily require faith: healing by the anointing.

All the other seven require faith. In many, many great healing meetings held around the world today, those who are not healed can still be healed by faith when the anointing passed them by.

Remember this: in most of these meetings, the anointing will pass by a great many of those needing healing, leaving them still not healed.

They still can be healed! Yes! They can still be healed!

Healing Delivery Vehicle #1
GOD delivers your healing through his anointing (Acts 19: 11-12) and the gifts of healing (1 Corinthians 12: 8-11).

Healing Delivery Vehicle #2
GOD delivers your healing through the laying on of hands.
(Mark 16:18)

Healing Delivery Vehicle #3
GOD delivers your healing with HIS anointing oil combined with the prayer of faith.
(Mark 6:13)

Healing Delivery Vehicle #4
GOD delivers your Healing by your believing and then speaking HIS WORD.
(Mark 11:23)

Healing Delivery Vehicle #5
GOD delivers your Healing through the agreement on earth by two or more people.
(Matt 18:19-20)

Healing Delivery Vehicle #6
GOD delivers your Healing by your believing that you receive it when you pray.
(Mark 11:24)

Healing Delivery Vehicle #7
GOD delivers your healing through the LORD's Supper when you understand it and receive it by faith. (I Corinthians 11:26-30)

Healing Delivery Vehicle #8
GOD delivers your healing through using JESUS' NAME like a battering ram and a sledge hammer.
(John 14:13-14)

These Eight Healing Delivery Vehicles GOD left us in HIS WORD to help HIS children get their healing can be worked by anyone. Thank GOD you do not have to be a theologian. You do not have to be an elder. You do not have to be a pastor. You do not have to be a deacon.

These Eight Delivery Vehicles work! Just make up your mind to work them and then do it. Supernatural things will happen for you.

I pray blessings upon your life and this ancient holy apostolic ministry. Now through the intercession of the blessed apostles Peter and Paul, may the peace of GOD, which is beyond all understanding, keep your heart and mind in the knowledge and love of GOD and of HIS SON, our LORD. In the name of the FATHER, and of the SON and the HOLY GHOST. Amen…

In Persona CHRISTI

Saturday, January 25, 2014

GOD Is Stronger Than Your Fears And Anxieties

At times, our fears and anxieties may seem too powerful to overcome, however there is one person who is stronger than your fears and that is the power of GOD. GOD can be a powerful ally in overcoming our fears, however a person must know where to begin.

The key is to talk to GOD about your problem and then use HIM as your main foundation in overcoming your fears (False Evidence Appearing Real). A person can go to church or to a quiet place during the day to tell GOD that they are having a problem. They should tell GOD how they feel and ask GOD for some of HIS help.

Each and every day, a person should make it up a habit to talk to GOD and ask for HIS help.

Rely on GOD on a regular basis. Believe that HE will help you overcome your F.E.A.R.s. A person can read the Bible, go to church, or join a small church group where members pray for one another. Get in the habit of including GOD in your life. As you do these things, it will be easier to trust in HIM with your problems.

When using the help of GOD to manage your fears, a person needs to be aware of how GOD is working in their life. Most of the time GOD works in mysterious ways and the answers HE provides might not be that obvious. A person must be aware of GOD being in their life even when they are dealing with their fears and anxieties.

Continue to seek help in managing your fears. Talking to a minister, priest or counselor can give you additional advice and insights on how to deal with your current problem. Remember that there is nothing wrong in asking for help and assistance.

Finally, the most important thing is to continue praying and talking to GOD. Talk to GOD as if you were talking to a friend. Talk to GOD as if you were Tweeting or posting on Facebook. Read the Bible and pray hard. Be persistent and be open in the avenues that GOD may provide to you in solving your problem. It is not always easy, however GOD is in control and HE will help you if you ask HIM.

Why not try JESUS, find you a good church home and attend tomorrow....

In Nomine DOMINI

Monday, October 21, 2013

"Yes it was Delayed....but it did Manifest"

As I've stated at the very beginning of my blogging ministry, I shared with you that the LORD called me into this apostolic ministry to prepare the church/kingdom, in that we would advance into new levels and dimensions that would blow your mind.... Despite the perception that I would be ridiculed, mocked and taken so not seriously, I also shared that like Noah was instructed to build an ark because it was going to rain (and no one knew what rain was; remember prior to the flood there was the dew that came up out of the earth, but never water that came down out of the sky), I was instructed to build a spaceship and even now as before I must decree and declare that GOD is calling us beyond our fathers (and mothers) in ministry.

Today according to the Jewish Calendar, we are (still) in the month of Cheshvan (read my previous blog to learn more about Cheshvan).  Today is the 17th of Cheshvan in the Jewish Year of 5774, but in the Jewish Year of 1656 on this day (just seven days after the death of Methuselah), as Noah preached/prophesied,  the rain began to fall, flooding the earth, and waters rose beyond the highest mountains.... "Yes in fact, it was delayed, but it did Manifest."

The Bible declared in Genesis 6:1-7 (Contemporary English Version), "More and more people were born, until finally they spread all over the earth. Some of their daughters were so beautiful that supernatural beings came down and married the ones they wanted. Then the LORD said, "I won't let my life-giving breath remain in anyone forever. No one will live for more than one hundred twenty-years." The children of the supernatural beings who had married these women became famous heroes and warriors. They were called Nephilim and lived on the earth at that time and even later. The LORD saw how bad the people on earth were and that everything they thought and planned was evil. HE was very sorry that HE had made them, and HE said, "I'll destroy every living creature on earth! I'll wipe out people, animals, birds, and reptiles. I'm sorry I ever made them."

I guess I done opened up a teaching moment here (that's what I do best - so I'll have at it), the "Great Flood" as we've termed it happened in what we call the "Antediluvian Dispensation" which extends from the "Fall" of man to the "Great Flood". This dispensation lasted for 1656 years, and was the Dispensation of "Conscious".  It shows what man will do when guided only by his conscious. Adam and Eve had no conscious before the "Fall". Conscious is a knowledge of good and evil, and this Adam and Eve did not have until they ate of the fruit of the forbidden tree. Conscious may produce fear and remorse, but it will not keep men from doing wrong as conscious imparts no power or ability in and of itself.

It is probable that the LORD explained to Adam the significance of making a blood sacrifice for sin but interesting that Adam is not mentioned as making such a sacrifice, but yet Abel did.  Now understand, before the "Fall" Adam and Eve had no children, they were created for purposes revealed by GOD in Genesis 1:8, "Be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth." Uh - oh, "replenish" (now here I go again) in the words, "replenish the earth" we have unmistakable evidence that the earth had been populated before it was thrown into chaos (somewhere between Genesis 1:1 and Genesis 1:2, I have some interesting teachings on this time period). So before the earth was found without form and void (in Genesis 1:2), the earth had inhabitants that had been destroyed; it does not follow, however that those inhabitants were human as no human remains have been found antedating the creation account of Genesis; however there was evidence of human-like creatures called "neanderthals" and they've found evidence of "pre-historic" creatures (i.e., dinosaurs, etc.)

Hitting the Fast Forward Button....

Adam and Eve had children, two sons in particular at first Cain and Abel (I have more teachings on this but they are not in sync with the authorized writings found in the Torah (books of Law)). Cain as you know killed his brother, Abel's blood cried out; Cain was ordered by GOD to leave home and he found himself in the place of "wandering" a city called, "Nod" there he found and knew a wife - so if you're a biblical literalistic kind of person (which I am not) if there was only Adam, Eve - who gave birth to Abel and Cain, where did Cain's wife come from? 

So in this place of "wandering" this godless civilization, an interesting thing happened. In Genesis 6, it tells us that the "Sons of GOD" saw the "daughters of men".... okay okay okay, don't worry (in my daughter's voice)... The title "Sons of GOD" doesn't mean the same thing in the Old Testament as it does in the New. In the New Testament it applies to those who have become the Sons of GOD (by adoption) by a new birth experience; in the Old Testament it applies to the angels.  A "Son of GOD" denotes being brought into existence by a creative act of GOD. Such were the angels... Adam was created in the image and likeness of GOD, but his descendants were born in his likeness; we read in Genesis 5:3, that Adam begat a son in his own likeness, after his image. Therefore all men born of Adam are the "Sons of Men", and it is only by being "Born Again" (John 3:3-7), which is a "New Creation" so that they can become the "Sons of GOD" in a New Testament sense....

Luke 17:20-30, "Some Pharisees asked JESUS when GOD's kingdom would come. HE answered, "GOD's kingdom isn't something you can see.  There is no use saying, 'Look! Here it is' or 'Look! There it is.' GOD's kingdom is here with you."  JESUS said to HIS disciples: The time will come when you will long to see one of the days of the Son of Man, but you will not. When people say to you, "Look there," or "Look here," don't go looking for HIM. The day of the Son of Man will be like lightning flashing across the sky.  But first HE must suffer terribly and be rejected by the people of today.  When the Son of Man comes, things will be just as they were when Noah livedPeople were eating, drinking, and getting married right up to the day when Noah went into the big boat. Then the flood came and drowned everyone on earth.  When Lot lived, people were also eating and drinking. They were buying, selling, planting, and building. But on the very day Lot left Sodom, fiery flames poured down from the sky and killed everyone. The same will happen on the day when the Son of Man appears."

Where, you say is the sin in doing these things (eating, drinking, marrying)? The sin is not in "doing" them, but doing them "Until the Flood Came". That is, they did nothing else. They forgot to worship the LORD. So today we're so consumed with everything and everyone  - we've neglected to secure reservations in our Father's house where there are many mansions.... Remember, the preacher in Noah preached it was gonna rain - no one heard him and even when it was supposed to happen it didn't; the death of Methuselah prompted the earth to grieve seven days - so the very act was delayed, but my GOD just seven days later, rain manifested...

I don't know what GOD has promised you on such and such a date by word of prophecy, if it doesn't happen then and you believe HIS WORD is true....then just say amen, because it's going to happen. Delay has never been a denial, but so many times we're so accustomed to the denial we don't comprehend the delays in our life....Not only am I suggesting that manifestation is coming but when it finally did begin to rain and flood, it lasted a full year. What GOD is preparing you for is not a one time deal, this time it will be done in an abundance, an overflow (if you will). Don't think for one moment that GOD has forgotten about you (that's contrary to HIS WORD and to HIS character - as HE knows the number of hairs on our heads). Just like GOD remembered Noah and everything that was with him in the ark, GOD is going to remember you and those people attached to be careful that you're not hoodwinked in this season of walking into your prepared (but delayed) blessing, the very reason for your delay maybe GOD allowing you time to clean up your environment that when you walk into what HE has prepared for you - you'll be attached to the right people that can celebrate the blessings of GOD on your life....rather than them other people that hate it when GOD does something for you....

I was talking with a friend in the Gospel this morning who rehearsed in my hearing, that people get mad when I'm praying for ribs and you praying for hotdogs; that when my ribs manifest you get mad when your hotdog shows up....if you wanted ribs then you should have prayed for ribs....I'm no longer going for the "Anyway you bless me LORD, I'll be satisfied..." No, I'm learning in this season to pray with sincerity, pray specifically and pray with expectation that HE's going to do it.... text three people and just say, "HE's gonna do it..."
Talk to me Apostle Paul (I Corinthians 2:9), "....what no eye has seen, what no ear has heard, and what no human mind has conceived, the things GOD has prepared for those who love HIM...."
Notice what Noah does as the storms cease - he sent a raven (a dirty bird) out of the ark to test the conditions around them, but the raven was uncooperative (I'm telling you GOD wants you to release the ravens of your life); afterwards in seven days, he sent out a dove (three times actually, yeah I'm like Deitrick Haddon, I know my Bible)....when the dove returned, Noah received a favorable indicator that it was time to walk into his new assignment...and GOD said, in Genesis 8:22, "As long as the earth remains, there will be planting and harvest, cold and heat; winter and summer, day and night." 
I pray blessings upon your life and this ancient holy apostolic ministry. Now through the intercession of the blessed apostles Peter and Paul, may the peace of GOD which is beyond all understanding, keep your heart and mind in the knowledge of GOD and of HIS SON, our LORD....
In Nomine DOMINI

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Where are We?

I know it's been such a long time since I've posted here; allow me to share what I've just posted on Facebook....don't know when I'll be back again, so let me help you today (in the here and now)....

I used to from time to time share as GOD would direct me as to where we are in regards or in contrast to the Hebraic calendar....There are so so many questions people I'm attached to are asking; what's going on? Where is GOD? Why is this and that happening???

Sometimes I get so caught up in technology, this morning I thumbed through the scriptures to answer an inbox someone sent me and found myself on Psalm 137, "By the rivers of Babylon, there we sat down and wept....when we remembered Zion."

Where are we? Okay so we're in the Hebrew month, Cheshvan, (today is the 11th day of Cheshvan) which is referred to as Marcheshvan, the prefix of which is the word mar. In Hebrew, this word means “bitter.” Even Av, the month when we mourn the destruction of the two Holy Temples, is not referred to as “bitter,” because the sad days of the year offer us an opportunity for introspection, to contemplate where we have gone wrong. Thus, both the festive days and the negative days can be used to connect to spirituality. A month that is bereft (lacking) of any significant days, even sad days, is more bitter than anything, because there are no moments that arise to give us pause. 

This month of October is our 10th month; but Cheshvan is the Jewish 8th month (7 represents completion, 8 represents new beginnings - stay with me a minute)....

It is significant to note that the original name of this month was not Marcheshvan. This Babylonian name was adopted when the Jews went through the 70-year exile between the first and second temples. The original Hebrew name for the month was Bul, which denotes the idea of “drying up,” as the leaves begin to decay with the approach of Autumn. 

Clearly, the month of Marcheshvan, or Bul, as its name suggests, is a month of darkness and decay. Indeed, the biblical Book of Kings cites Bul as the month when King Solomon completed the construction of the first Temple – though the dedication did not take place until a year later, in the Hebrew month of Tishrei. What is the deeper significance of this, and what can we learn from it? 

Two Key Events:
If we search further, we find two other events that occurred in the month of Cheshvan. The first was the flood in the times of Noah. The flood began on the 17th of Cheshvan, and the waters receded by the following year on the 27th of Cheshvan, allowing Noah and the other inhabitants of the ark to disembark. Interestingly, one explanation of the name Bul is that it stems from this month as the beginning of the rainy season in Israel; it is thus connected to the word mabul, flood – an overabundance of rain. 

It is significant to note that the flood was originally intended to begin on the 11th of Cheshvan. However, Methuselah passed away, and thus the flood was delayed in deference to the seven-day period of mourning that followed his death. 

The second important event that occurred in Cheshvan seems unrelated at first glance. This was the death of Jacob's wife Rachel, on the 11th of Cheshvan of the year 2208 from creation (1553 BCE), as well as the birth of Benjamin. It was precisely the same day as Methusaleh's death, the very day that flood had originally been slated to begin. As there are no coincidences in the Scriptures, we must ask: What is the connection between these two events, and what do they reveal about the essence of the month of Cheshvan? 

In thinking about what the matriarch Rachel and her son Benjamin stand for, respectively, we can see that Rachel represents the Jewish people in exile, and Benjamin represents the completed state of the Jewish people in the Land of Israel. Rachel spent her entire life outside of Israel, and passed away just as Jacob and his family entered the holy land. 

In contrast, Benjamin is the last son of Jacob, the twelfth of the tribes, whose birth marks the completion of the people of Israel. He is also the only son of Jacob that is born in Israel, and thus represents the Jewish people's perfected state in the land of Israel. This is further underscored, by the fact that Saul, the first king of the Jewish people, came from the tribe of Benjamin. Furthermore, the miracle of Purim, which immediately preceded the return of the Jews to Israel and the building of the Second Temple, was brought about through the vehicle of Mordechai and Esther, who also came from the tribe of Benjamin. 

Exploring further, we see that the very death of Rachel resulted in the birth of Benjamin. This would correspond to the idea that the exile itself is that which births the redemption. The descent into darkness creates the potential for the future light. 

This theme can be seen in the flood, as well. Although the world in its previous state came to an end, at the same time, there was a new beginning which was being sown in the person of Noah. The very passing of Methusaleh opened the curtain for Noah to assume leadership of the next generation. The death of the previous order gave rise to a new potential for growth....

Now we can explain the essence of the month of Cheshvan, as brought to light by the events that occurred in this month. Cheshvan is a time that is “bitter,” for there seems to be no opportunities for growth and spiritual connection. It is a time of deterioration, as the leaves wither and the world enters a state of deep hibernation. And yet, it is also a time when the rains begin, when the potential for future growth is being sown. It is a time when spiritual darkness reigns, yet when spiritual growth begins deep beneath the surface. It is the moment when Rachel passes on, when all seems bleak, when the darkness of exile closes in; and it is the moment of the birth of Benjamin, the seed of the Jewish people's perfected state, which is sown in that very darkness. 

Cheshvan begins the extended time span between the last festival, Sukkot, and the next, Passover. In the meantime, the spiritual seeds planted during the Jewish month of Tishrei begin to take root – to be watered and to grow, finally appearing and bearing fruit in Nissan of next year. 

The message of Cheshvan is that despite the darkness, and even because of the darkness, there is future growth that awaits us. We have the opportunity to nurture that right at this moment. It is now that we gather the seeds from the holidays of the month of Tishrei, plant them, and carefully water them through the winter months. With GOD's help, we will soon marvel at the beautiful spring bounty that we merit to an Apostle of the LORD JESUS CHRIST, I'm urging you not to mourn the dead things in your life...but rather praise GOD for the beginning of something new (even in the midst of the darkness you and I may find ourselves today)....

I pray blessings upon your life and this ancient holy apostolic ministry. Now through the intercession of the blessed apostles Peter and Paul, may the peace of GOD, which is beyond all understanding, keep your heart and mind in the knowledge and love of GOD and of HIS SON, our LORD.... 

In Nomine DOMINI

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Surrounded By Lies - Don't be Decieved

Beloved of the LORD - I was reminded while in prayer as I've shared on FaceBook: "And we know that in all things GOD works for the good of those who love HIM, who have been called according to HIS purpose," (Romans 8:28)...From there I began to praise GOD and while praising GOD, I began to rebuke lies, lying spirits, lying tongues, spirits of delusion, intimidation, suicide, obsession, addictions and grandeur. 

Look at what the text says in II Thessalonians 2:1-2, 9-12, 16-17;  "Brothers and sisters, we have this request to make of you about our LORD JESUS CHRIST's coming and our gathering to meet HIM.  (2)  Don't get upset right away or alarmed when someone claims that we said through some spirit, conversation, or letter that the day of the LORD has already come.  (9)  The man of sin will come with the power of Satan. He will use every kind of power, including miraculous and wonderful signs. But they will be lies.  (10)  He will use everything that GOD disapproves of to deceive those who are dying, those who refused to love the truth that would save them.  (11)  That's why GOD will send them a powerful delusion so that they will believe a lie.  (12)  Then everyone who did not believe the truth, but was delighted with what GOD disapproves of, will be condemned.  (16)  GOD our Father loved us and by his kindness gave us everlasting encouragement and good hope. Together with our LORD JESUS CHRIST,  (17)  may HE  encourage and strengthen you to do and say everything that is good."

How is it that man, in utter defiance, even in the face of what is obviously the outpouring of GOD’s wrath against man’s sin, still raises up his fist in GOD’s face and continues to follow after the beast and his system of government? The passage before us gives us insight into that question. Though there are issues beyond our comprehension here, it is centered around man’s delusion and deception, which occurs as a result of GOD’s judgment because of man’s failure to love the truth. Many get all bent out of shape over matters like GOD’s sovereignty, election, and predestination on one side, and on the other, the issues of man’s free will or responsibility to believe...Beloved, your arms are too short to box with GOD!!!

First, I want to remind you we are still according to the Hebraic Calendar in the month of Tammuz (read more about this in the previous blog entitled, "Standing in the Midst of it All". Second, I want to remind you that no matter how it looks in this season, no matter the opposition during this time period...GOD is working things out for us.  The enemy is surrounding us with lies and trying to make us think that GOD is not working things out; but if you believe the WORD of the LORD....let me encourage you again, "All things are working together for your good..." 

I don't care how the enemy says to you to give up, give in, surrender, throw in the symbolic towel...Children of GOD, hold on....let me say it again, "HOLD ON" because GOD is working behind the scenes, HE's on the stage, in the dressing room - HE's all over the situations that you and I both face and working things out for our GOOD!!!

Even if the enemy tells you he even doesn't like the fact that you yet have breath in your body, tell him I said - "Go to HELL, in the NAME of JESUS", and take his lies with him...Don't be Deceived Beloved...

II Thessalonians 2:11: "That's why GOD will send them a powerful delusion so that they will believe a lie."

I don't know how GOD's going to fix it; nor do I know when, but I do know (as HE's done for us so many times) - GOD's going to fix it for you!!! HE's making a way...HE's preparing us...HE's recalibrating us, retooling do you know this Apostle Chambers? Because today, you're able to take things that two years ago (two months ago) you wouldn't be able to stand...You've been mistreated, and you finally learned how to pray for those that misuse you, hurt you, have it out for you....

So, let them continue to lie; GOD has so fixed it, that they even believe their own lies....Oh, but when GOD begins to unravel, uncover, dismantle, the lie and the GOD, my GOD!!! You continue to stand, you continue to do that which is right, continue to submit the situations to HIM in prayer...and don't turn your nose up at the enemy (HE just said)...don't get beside yourself...but I decree and declare that help from ZION has been dispatched. 

BREAKING NEWS: The LORD says to tell you, "Angels have been released...MY Hands are Upon You and this Situation..."

I pray blessings upon your life and this ancient holy apostolic ministry. Now through the intercession of the blessed apostles Peter and Paul, may the peace of GOD, which is beyond all understanding, keep your heart and mind in the knowledge and love of GOD and of HIS SON, our LORD. In the name of the FATHER, and of the SON and the HOLY GHOST. Amen…

In Nomine DOMINI