Wednesday, February 9, 2011

What Is This Blog Site/Page About?

So a dear friend of mine (more like a brother) started a  blog about two weeks ago (Jay's Weight Battle....Victory!!!) which prompted me to share my thoughts with those who would be interested in doing so.  So I entitled this blog site/page "Moving in the Apostolic", nothing deep about the name except for the fact that there's a great book written by Apostle John Eckhardt, the Establisher and Primate of the (Impact Network).  I've had this book on my shelf for about three years before ever reading the pages where I've found so many great truths and ultimately, I found myself therein. 

You'll also see at the top of the page (beneath the title) a picture of a spaceship (this is the actual picture of the spaceship from the ABC Television Series called, "V".  The "V" series chronicles the arrival on Earth of a technologically advanced alien species which ostensibly comes in peace, but actually has sinister motives. For me it's sharing with you to the best of my abilities (with my finite mind) what the LORD is doing with and through me as I take upon the apostolic mantle and grace.  In Genesis chapter 6, we're introduced to a man by the name of Noah.  Noah was instructed by the LORD to build an ark with rooms; he was further instructed to gather food and two of every living creature (one male/one female).  It was further shared with Noah by the LORD to bring on the ark seven of every clean beast (seven males/seven females); and of the bests that are unclean only two (one male/one female). 

In this dispensation, the LORD has called us into this apostolic ministry to prepare the church/kingdom to advance into new levels and areas that are outside of this world.  The only thing I could envision that would be able to take us beyond where our minds cannot conceive is a space ship.  So there, I said it, you may be laughing at me, that's no problem, I imagine that there were those who laughed at Noah's "It's Gonna Rain" sermons.  I'm decreeing and declaring that GOD is calling us to go beyond our fathers, and yet prior to hearing GOD say to me move beyond my fathers, I yet grieved in my spirit because I had been asking who is my father?  These questions came upon the demise of my grandfather, pastor and father in the faith, His Grace Archbishop Posey, Chief Apostle of the Metropolitan Spiritual Churches of CHRIST; since the time he became ill, I have staggered in ministry and have been silently bleeding, wrestling to know and discover the strong covenant that should exist between spiritual fathers and their sons.  Even sooner than his passing away there were many who have contributed to my biblical education and spiritual enrichment, very few of them have been empowered to impart the inheritance that GOD has promised.  Like Benjamin, who received his prophetic name from his father, I had been functioning without a true sense of spiritual identity (there was no one to match my spiritual DNA against). 

Benjamin before being named prophetically by his father was inappropriately named  by his mother. She named him “Benoni” or “son of my sorrow”, but his father calls him “Benjamin” or “son of my right hand” or “son of my strength”.  It was out of this prophetic utterance came the lineage of King Saul, but yet a tragedy that 95% of my entire life has been spent and misaligned with those who cannot speak towards my destiny.   Because of this misalignment, I have bled silently and wounded arrogantly attempting to be a son where I have not been planted nor sufficiently watered.  As one blade of grass gives seed to the perpetuation of its successor (a deposit that enables us to avoid being damaged and spiritually dysfunctional) it is with this analogy that I recognize and value fatherhood. Perhaps it is because of all of this I have shunned receiving others as sons and yet grateful that I have, else there would be others bleeding and wounded perpetually or “sons of sorrow” rather than “sons of my strength.” 
Further more, most of our fathers that have gone on, have left the vehicle that was used to get the church to where it was when they died, but took the manual and the keys with them, so the car (church) sits there stagnant, not moving and no one even has dared to call the dealership to have a new master key cut so that someone can move the church along its way.  This is so clear to me now, even as the church that I was called to serve as pastor was torn down (three weeks ago) that GOD is desiring us to not call to have new keys cut to move the church along, HE has called us to take the church where the church has never gone before; with the LORD's help we shall execute this apostolic/prophetic mandate to do just that.  

I salute Apostle Eckhardt for sharing his literary works with us, as he has other written material on apostolic ministry; more so for "Moving in the Apostolic" because we are experiencing a great outpouring of the Holy Spirit, perhaps the greatest the world has ever known! In the midst of it all, GOD is restoring the office of apostle to HIS Church to help us fulfill the Great Commission. What part in GOD’s plan will you play? How will you prepare for the coming harvest?  GOD is calling all of us (pastors, nurses, ushers, choir members) to actively participate in the apostolic ministry.  

The church age began with apostolic power, and it will continue with apostolic power. Today throughout the Church there is a cry coming before the LORD for restoration to New Testament function and pattern, that GOD might work through the body of CHRIST the way Scripture describes. But according to the clear witness of the Word of GOD, for such recovery to take place, both Prophetic and Apostolic ministry must first be restored to proper function, structure and priority in the church, or the cry of these many will never be answered.

Only Apostolic and Prophetic ministry will bring foundations while providing other ministries the opportunity to establish all that GOD wants for and from us.  We already have a measure of the prophetic among us, but it is lacking in its effectiveness and use in the church. If the only thing a prophet can mention to you is concerning houses, land, vehicles, a husband, a wife, etc., my point has been established.  My former pastor would term this type of  prophet as a "Runway Prophet", they are asked to give remarks and the next thing you know, they have about 8 people standing as you come into their vibration to only tell you to start packing your bags, you're going on a trip. Had that prophet been  under an apostolic mantle you probably would have seen that their house note isn't paid, and that (although they've prayed that GOD would bring them out and keep the house) GOD isn't making provision at that address any longer and further that GOD is saying, "yes daughter, yes son, pack quickly, I have a better house waiting for you!!!"

So you see Prophetic ministry needs the Apostolic in a unique way (but not less than pastoral, teaching or evangelistic), in order to supply what is lacking in complimentary function of anointing, boundaries for remaining appropriate, and parameters for staying pertinent. Apostolic and Prophetic ministry, functioning
rightly and in varying forms, will provide the foundation JESUS authorized. Since we are living in the days of restoration of the apostolic ministry, we need an understanding of this ministry in order to receive true apostles and reject false ones. Restoration necessitates knowledge in order to walk accurately and fully in what GOD is restoring. A divine revelelation of the apostolic ministry will bring an understanding of what it means to be sent. It helps us understand what we are to do, and what power and authority we have as sent ones. It helps us understand and receive the ministries that GOD is sending today.

But how would we know an Apostle since we aren't generally acquainted with Apostolic ministry? Here's how in just looking at the distinctions between an evangelist and an apostle:
1. Evangelists win souls, but Apostles make disciples.
2. Evangelists preach salvation, but Apostles preach the Gospel of peace and demonstrate the Kingdom of GOD.
3. Evangelists declare and display the grace of GOD to those who receive; Apostles demonstrate signs, wonders and miracles as a witness in order to reveal the hearts of those who do and don't believe.

On December 16, 2010 after much (and more) hesitation and avoidance I declared, professed and assumed this apostolic grace that’s been given to me by CHRIST. And have submitted myself to my apostolic father, His Grace Apostle Sylvester Paul Brinson, III., Apostle Primus of The Apostolic Company.  In answer to the needs of this dispensation, the Church must stand firm in its understanding of its roots within the Orthodox and Catholic Apostolic Tradition. It must remain totally united to, and centered upon and in the Holy and Divine Eucharist and the Divine, Holy and absolutely real presence of our LORD JESUS CHRIST within the Holy Eucharist, along with the ancient apostolic understandings and experienced spirituality as found within all seven of the Holy Mysteries/the Sacraments of the historic and apostolic Church of our LORD, SAVIOR and GOD JESUS CHRIST. 

The Church must reach out to teach its faithful how to pray, to participate and receive the Holy Ghost and become more intimately connected with CHRIST.  The Church must be committed and actively engaged in, teaching and proclaiming the message of the Gospel of our LORD. It must be about reaching out to those who are busy seeking the reason for their lives, why they are here and how they can find GOD once again in their lives. How to be both the thermometer and thermostat, to both set the atmosphere and calibrate the atmosphere when needed and/or led by the Holy Ghost.  We must further instruct others how they can come to experience GOD dwelling among us and in our midst. It must also remain totally committed to the ancient and apostolic understandings of the early Church, along with the decrees and the faith as taught within the framework of the five fold dictum: One Bible; Two Testaments, Three Creeds, Four Councils (Nicaea I; Nicaea II; Ephesus; and Chalcedon) and Five Centuries, of the undivided Church, whereby comes forth our polity, form of worship, teachings and doctrines.

So stay tuned to this blog site/page as GOD gives us grace to build the module that will facilitate us moving above and beyond to another dimension and levels in CHRIST JESUS by GOD's grace and as we "Move in the Apostolic"....In closing I pray blessings upon your life and this ancient holy apostolic ministry. Now through the intercession of the blessed apostles Peter and Paul, may the peace of GOD, which is beyond all understanding, keep your heart and mind in the knowledge and love of GOD and of HIS SON, our LORD. In the name of the FATHER, and of the SON and the HOLY GHOST. Amen…

In Persona CHRISTI